Born To Expire - Soothsayer - EP

Label: The Limit Records
Colored Vinyl
Price: 4.50 Euro
'Soothsayer is the absolutely badass debut EP from Auburn, NY's Born to Expire, and I have to assume they're named after the Leeway album, which is always a good sign - even if they don't sound like Leeway! Expect crushing metallic hardcore that spices up the traditional power chord rhythms and chugging midpaced breaks with some dense, sludge-laden grooves and cold, crawling dissonance.
The recording on this thing is heavy as shit, too. I've never heard basslines this effectively loud before in my life! I swear the bass must be mixed dead even with the guitars, if not a touch louder. And I love it! I hope they maintain that balance on all of their future recordings, 'cause it makes the riffs - which are already superfuckin' meaty - hit even harder.
The overall feel of this stuff kind of reminds me of the mighty Dead City, which is also always a good sign. According to the dude from the band who sent me the EP, their new material is hinting at a little more of a Crowbar influence, which could be really cool hearing how those types of runs already seep into these tracks. Hell, there are moments herein that damn near touch on doom metal vibes, so... who knows how far they'll take such elements down the road? Whatever the case, this is a killer start, and I'm really looking forward to hearing more.'- Aversionline (
01. Saint Peter
02. Condemned
03. Synaxis Of The Archangel Gabriel
04. The Southern Cross
05. Sowing Poison Seeds
06. Soothsayer