The Restarts - Outsider - LP

Label: Pirates Press Records
Price: 22.99 Euro
After forging relationships with numerous underground labels and distros releasing 7"s, tapes, LPs, and CDs, by 2006, UK punks The Restarts were ready to bring their operations in-house. Drummer Darragh O'Neill invested in a 24-track digital recorder, and the band got to work crafting the recordings that would ultimately become the Outsider LP on their own.
Following that same DIY spirit, the band designed their own packaging featuring art by bassist/vocalist Kieran Plunkett that would become some of the band's most iconic and recognizable imagery. Furthermore, they formed their own label, called (what else?) No Label Records, to self-release Outsider with help from the aforementioned relationships with distros such as Active Distribution.
Sonically, the album represented a step forward in every way for the band, with the addition of Robin Licker on guitar and vocals injecting new energy into the band's established raging sound.
The resulting record is the sound of a band who had put in years of hard work, indeed coming into their own and forging their path forward on their terms. Fans across the world recognized this and gave Outsider an enthusiastic reception.
They're On To You
Enemy's Enemy
Cluster Bombs
No Escape
Blown It
Running Out of Time
Intelligent Design
Wake Up
Still Bored
Mindless Violence